حمام سباحة بجانب تناول الطعام في The Pavillion في جزيرة كوزين

Panoramic Poolside Dining

Dining by the pool for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner is a welcomed change from the open area of the Pavilion. While enjoying spectacular views of the ocean and nearby islands, there are a few special areas that offer a different ambiance. Be sure to ask for an evening below Gecko Bar for those seeking a balance of seclusion and romance by candlelight within the Pavilion or breakfast near the pool—blissfully blooming with white periwinkles under the tees. For others — moving from the enjoyment of the pool for lunch is effort enough, and in that case, we will bring dining to you as you relax on the poolside loungers and take in the tranquility.

ما الذي يمكنني طلبة؟

We have a suggestive menu & will tailor for you

متى يكون أفضل وقت لتناول الطعام بجانب المسبح؟

الإفطار والغداء والعشاء

كيف أقوم بإجراء حجز وأمر؟

إذا كان لديك أي طلبات خاصة – سيكون فريقنا سعيدًا لضمان حصولنا على ما تريد. يرجى إعلامنا قبل إقامتك وإخطار فريق الحجوزات لدينا